Cleveland University-Kansas City Students Get Connected to KC-area Doctors of Chiropractic


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It’s not always easy to transition from the college world to the workday world. A new program at Cleveland University-Kansas City (CUKC) is succeeding at connecting local and regional doctors of chiropractic with CUKC students in the final stage of completing their Doctor of Chiropractic degree.

The new program carries the name “Career Connections.” Launched this summer, Career Connections is proving popular. In the few months since the program began, 17 practitioners have signed up or are scheduled to meet with CUKC students. These doctors of chiropractic provide insight into what being a chiropractor is like, talk to students about preceptorship opportunities after graduation, and offer advice on career development.

Jalonna Bowie, director of CUKC campus and alumni relations, said the program is primarily directed to students in trimesters seven through 10. However, any student in the University’s 3.3-year Doctor of Chiropractic degree program can gain insights by attending.

“Some practitioners who participate are seeking students for a prolonged internship or looking for someone who wants an associateship in an established chiropractic practice,” Bowie said. “Others might be searching for a potential buyer for their practice. The impact of the program can be felt in numerous ways.”

Although CUKC has always sought to bring students and alumni together, such as through its CUKC classifieds web page, Bowie said this new program adds a more personal touch to making connections.

“We were determined to address any remaining information gap between students and doctors in the field,” Bowie said. “The feedback we have received for Career Connections has been positive.” 

Doctors who wish to participate can learn more about the Career Connections program on the Career Resources page of the CUKC website. There, a link allows users to choose a convenient time to meet with students. After registering, they are added to the list of upcoming campus visitors displayed on the website. 

Students can review the list of scheduled doctors and choose which meeting they wish to attend, or they may participate in multiple events. The list shows what each doctor is seeking so the student can plan their attendance based on their own needs and those of the doctor.  

There are no restrictions or obligations for the students who choose to participate. The only requirement is to dress in business attire and take copies of their resume to each event they attend. 

“Even after many hours spent in the classroom and in practicum, success can still be elusive for some students,” Bowie said. “Our goal is helping these connections happen because they can make a difference for those preparing to start their chiropractic careers.” 

About Cleveland University-Kansas City (formerly Cleveland Chiropractic College) 

Founded in 1922, Cleveland University-Kansas City is an independent, nonprofit, regionally accredited institution of higher education with an ongoing mission to educate and develop leaders in health promotion. 

Cleveland University-Kansas City is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). HLC accreditation verifies that higher education institutions meet high standards and are engaged in continuous improvement. HLC’s institutional accreditation includes all degree levels as well as on-site and online offerings. CUKC degree offerings have program accreditation from the appropriate agencies/organizations.

  • Founded in 1922 by the Cleveland family, Cleveland University-Kansas City is a recognized leader in chiropractic and health sciences education.
  • The president, Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III, is a fourth-generation chiropractor and the grandson of the university’s founder
  • The University offers the following degrees: Doctor of Chiropractic, B.S. in Human Biology, B.S. in Exercise Science, M.S. in Exercise Physiology and Sports Performance, Certificate in Sports Performance, A.A. in Biological Sciences, A.A.S. in Radiologic Technology.
  • Our students are from 26 states and two other countries. 
  • Approximately 11,600 chiropractic alumni throughout the U.S. and internationally. 
  • The CUKC Chiropractic Health Center on the Overland Park campus serves the public with nearly 30,000 visits annually. 
  • The combined economic contribution of CUKC in 2021 was $55.7 million. This includes a direct impact of $34.8 million and an indirect/induced impact of $20.9 million.  

To learn more about CUKC, visit