Independence Transportation for All Planning Study Kicks-off

Survey, Mobility Workshop & Pop-Ups Announced


Member News

(Independence, MO) - The City of Independence has kicked off the Independence Transportation for All planning process to develop a citywide multimodal transportation network. The project is part of the Mid-America Regional Council’s Planning Sustainable Places program and seeks to determine viable, efficient transportation for all users of the roadway that includes sidewalks, bikeways, mobility hubs, and transit routes to make multimodal transportation safe, convenient, and connected. This plan will identify ways to connect destinations such as housing, employment centers, parks, schools, commercial centers, and other public uses to create a functional multi-modal network. Specific tasks include:

  • Public and stakeholder engagement including public open house meetings, mobility workshops, pop-up engagement events, and stakeholder interviews.
  • Developing recommendations for a connected active transportation network supported by technical analysis and public feedback.
  • Completing a Multimodal Master Plan that provides a guide for implementing a robust multimodal transportation network for the community.

Are there places you think sidewalks need to be connected? Are there destinations that need better connectivity for biking or walking? Are there connections to amenities, historical sites or existing trail systems that need enhancement? An interactive survey is available in both English and Spanish at Please take a moment to share your thoughts about what you would like to see in this plan. Your input is vital to the success of this project.

Pop-Up Events

The project team of Olsson, BikeWalkKC, and Venice Communications is facilitating interactive Pop-Up events on Friday, Sept. 1, from 6-9 PM at SantaCaliGon Days Festival on Independence Square on Main Street next to the Festival Booth. They are also hosting a Pop-Up at the Blendwell Café located at 10725 E US Hwy 24 on Saturday, Oct. 7, from 9-11 AM. The public is encouraged to stop by and share their thoughts about what they would like to see included in the plan.

Mobility Workshop

On Tuesday, Oct 3, from 5:30-7:30 PM BikeWalkKC will facilitate a Mobility Workshop. Participants can join the project team on a short bike tour around Independence Square. This is a fun and interactive way to participate and look to see where key connections are missing or need to be addressed. Participants can share their history and experience of the community and participate meaningfully in the development of this transportation vision and action plan. To sign up for this event visit the project website at

“We all require the use of transportation whether it is driving a car, riding a bike, taking the bus, or walking to school,” Independence Mayor Rory Rowland said. “By sharing your experiences and concerns through our online survey or visiting a Pop-Up event or Mobility Workshop you can help us make a better transportation system that serves you by providing your input. Transportation helps shape communities and influences our quality of life, which makes this planning process vital to the success of Independence.”

For more information on the Independence Transportation for All planning project, please visit