Kansas City Public Library Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consulting Services for Grant Policies and Procedures


Member News

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING SERVICES FOR GRANT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: The Kansas City Public Library (“Library”) invites qualified applicants to submit proposals for Consulting Services for Grant Policies and Procedures for the Library. Proposals may be submitted in hard print copy and/or email to be received no later than 11:00 a.m. (Local Time), Monday, January 23, 2023.  All correspondence should be marked “KCPL Consulting Services for Grant Policies and Procedures”. Please note that if you are submitting your proposal by email the Library must receive the email no later than 11:00 a.m. The full Request for Proposal (“RFP”) for Consulting Services for Grant Policies and Procedures can be found at the following link: KCPL RFP – Consulting Services for Grant Policies and Procedures | Kansas City Public Library (kclibrary.org). The Library may modify or cancel the RFP at any time prior to the RFP due date by issuance of an Addendum or Cancellation to all Proposers who are participating in the process at the time the Addendum/Cancellation is issued. Addenda will be made available and Cancellations will be posted on the Library’s RFP/Public Notices website (currently: Public Notices | Kansas City Public Library (kclibrary.org)). Proposers should monitor the Library’s RFP/Public Notices website for updates/information/addenda/cancellations. Verbal modifications to the RFP specifications shall not be binding upon the Library.