RoKC Co-Founder Andrew Potter's Software Company, TileFive, Releases PeopleCount App


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As your businesses begin to re-open it’s going to be imperative to have open communication with you consumers. Whether you are a retail location, coffee shop, gym, or Realestate agent hosting an open house, it will be important for people to know what you're doing to maintain cleanliness, staff health, and manage capacity. It's easy to communicate how you are keeping things clean and monitoring staff health, but how do you actively, and dynamically communicate how busy you are at all times? How do you communicate if you are at capacity or not? Nobody likes driving across town to find out that their favorite coffee shop has to deny their entry due to being at capacity. This is why we built people count. Now, customers can simply open your website, or the shared URL on your social media and immediately seen how busy you. They can then make a decision as to whether or not they feel like now is a good time to visit your business. It also shows consumers when you are slow, and that its a great time to visit the business and beat a lunch rush or have a quieter atmosphere if that’s what they are seeking.  

RoKC co-founder Andrew Potter's software company, TileFive, is releasing a new product this week called peoplecount via testflight while we wait for Apple and Google to approve the app in their stores. Its very simple and allows you to maintain an accurate count of people in your location.

If you would like to get on the test flight please send me the email you would like to use to set up your account and I will send you access. If you know of anyone that is interested you can send them to and they can sign up via email there. 


  • Your employee or user logs in and uses this simple app (see screen shot below) to check people in and out, and maintain the actual count of how many people are in the business, event or location.
  • Then those numbers are posted as a live number to a unique URL for your location (no need to refresh for updates). See this as an example
  • This URL can be put in an iframe on your website so that customers can see the live count at any time.
  • You can also share the URL via social media or email and customers can simple pull it up on any mobile device.

TileFive is currently building apps to help businesses reopen. Its latest, PeopleCount, is a free service that enables businesses to track the number of people in their locations and communicate that message to customers through multiple forms, in real time. The service allows customers to simply open your website or social media account to immediately see how busy you are. People Count hopes this will help increase consumer confidence and enable businesses to communicate that they are maintaining awareness of their customer flow. To learn more, go to or reach out to