“Who do you make it home for?” “Click It Kansas” joins national “Click It or Ticket” seat belt campaign


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TOPEKA, Kan. – Masks may be coming off, but seat belts must remain on. Americans are hitting the road as pandemic restrictions fade and Kansas law enforcement officials will be enforcing seat belt use, May 24 through June 6, 2021. It’s all part of the state’s “Who Do You Make it Home For?” seat belt campaign, which coincides with the national campaign, “Click It or Ticket.”

According to the Kansas Department of Transportation, 49 percent of all traffic fatalities in 2019 were unbelted. Many of these deaths could have been prevented with the simple click of a seat belt. In Kansas, pick-up truck drivers and drivers in rural areas are among the top unrestrained fatalities.

“Wearing your seat belt is the single most effective and easiest step you can take to protect yourself in a vehicle,” said KDOT Secretary Julie Lorenz. “Whether you are the driver or passenger, please buckle up so you can make it home safely.”

KDOT reminds all drivers and passengers to buckle up even before starting the car’s engine. Drivers are encouraged to ask passengers to buckle up and not move the vehicle until everyone is properly buckled.

The “Click it or Ticket” campaign is funded by federal traffic safety funds administered by KDOT. The crackdown runs concurrently with a media campaign reminding motorists that driving or riding in a vehicle without wearing your seat belt is illegal. Please drive responsibly. For more information about seat belt use, visit KTSRO.org.