Your Chamber at Work - October 20, 2020




The good news from today’s Chamber Economic Forecast: the Kansas City area is recovering faster from the devastating COVID-19 economic woes than the rest of the nation and will likely continue that pace. The not-so-good news:  the recovery is now slowing both nationally and locally.

Frank Lenk, Chief Economist for the Mid-America Regional Council, told the Economic Forecast audience that Kansas City has regained nearly 60 percent of the jobs lost at the trough of the current recession, but warned that the going gets tougher from here, with improvements to employment and output progressing at a much slower pace.

Lenk’s forecast suggests the KC economy will fully recover the jobs lost by the first quarter of 2023 – about a year faster than the U.S., thanks to the mix of industries we specialize in being more resilient in the face of reduced consumer spending on food and entertainment.

He also highlighted the inequities of the current recovery – with the lowest paid workers being hit the hardest. High-wage workers have already largely returned to pre-recession levels, but low-wage workers are still lagging considerably.

Inequities were also highlighted in our panelists’ discussion. Dr. Faisal Khan, CEO of Samuel U. Rogers Health Center, said that disparities in food and housing security and access to health care have been exacerbated by the pandemic. The number of people unable to make a copay of just $10 or $20 has gone “through the roof,” he said.

Daniel Serda of LISC said he’d worked with a number of minority-owned businesses on the East Side to access Paycheck Protection Program funds – with little result. Minority-owned businesses, he said, have continuing challenges in accessing financial capital. Those businesses were already in a precarious position pre-COVID.

Amy Slattery, founder of Odimo, said her company was doing well, but that a number of small businesses she’s connected with are hurting. She, too, said small business needs better access to capital.

All in all, a fascinating morning. And if you’d like to take a look at Frank Lenk’s presentation, here’s the link.


Start Thanksgiving week with one of the best traditions in KC: the KC Chamber’s Virtual 133rd Annual Dinner, Tuesday November 24, 3-5 p.m. Our theme this year is Unstoppable KC, as we recognize the people whose acts of bravery, service, conviction, leadership, and community made us unstoppable during one of the most challenging years of our lives. We’ll surprise the Kansas Citian of the Year (you’ll want to see how we pull that off virtually) welcome our two featured speakers, both representing Unstoppable KC talent:

  • Heidi Gardner, actor and Saturday Night Live cast member from Kansas City, MO.
  • Aaron Thomas, producer and award-winning television and film writer for Friday Night Lights, CSI: NY, and S.W.A.T., from Kansas City, KS.

You’ll still get great Chamber networking, hopping into virtual rooms and visiting friends, and for the first time this event is open to everyone, including non-Chamber members. Register now for an early bird ticket for just $20 through October 27. After that it’s $35 a ticket. Thank you to our 2020 Annual Dinner Presenting Sponsor, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kansas City.


It’s one of the biggest projects in Kansas City History: the new single terminal airport. Get an update from the Kansas City Aviation Department’s Justin Meyer at our next virtual Neighborhood Networking event, Friday, October 23, 9-10 a.m. Enjoy coffee, connection, and conversation with fellow Chamber members while learning about the new airport. Register now for this free networking opportunity. The KC Chamber's 2020 networking sponsors are Delta Dental, Mazuma, SS&C and T-Mobile.


The Community Blood Center needs your help. The need for blood has rebounded to pre-COVID-19 levels, but the blood supply is dangerously low. The KC Chamber is proud to partner with the CBC, Union Station, & Centurions to co-host a two-day mobile unit community blood drive in the Triangle Parking Lot of Union Station, October 26 & 27, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Donors can register for a time slot on a specific day either October 26 or October 27. Appointments are required and walk-ins will not be accepted.


The KC Chamber, Welcoming America, and about 40 additional local partnering organizations have been hard at work drafting a plan that will be the framework for our future efforts in achieving designated Welcoming City status for the region. There is a lot of fantastic work that is already being done to make our region friendly and open to immigrants, refugees, and newcomers from other cities, states, and countries. With this Welcoming KC Plan, there will be coordinated and unified strategies with common goals. The ultimate goal, of course, is to be open and welcoming to all. (When we work together, there isn’t anything we can’t accomplish!)

The KC Chamber and our partners hope you will come to our Kickoff Event on December 4, where you will learn about the Plan itself, and hear inspiring success stories from those who have chosen to make Greater Kansas City their place of home and work. The unveiling will also mark two years since the start of drafting the Plan, which has gone through a significant feedback and input process.  Join us from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for this free virtual event. You can register here.