Your Chamber at Work - January 3, 2022




I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, and now it’s back to work while still operating under the shadow of the COVID pandemic.

The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments January 7 to determine the legality of the President’s vaccine mandate for businesses. As it stands right now, on January 10 of this new year, businesses with more than 100 employees must either require all their employees to be vaccinated or to weekly test those employees who have not been vaccinated. By around February 8, companies have to actually be testing or vaccinated. To say this mandate presents challenges for our businesses is an understatement.

Most employers have never done anything like this before and have no way to organize the testing of their employees or track whether they’ve been tested and what the results of the tests are. Black & Veatch has contacted us to let us know about the solution they’ve developed for area businesses if the mandate should be upheld by the court.

Black & Veatch’s Rapid Modular Health Systems (RaMHS) are available either as modular structures or vehicles that can be set up at your business for both testing and vaccinations. They’re safe, fast, flexible, and secure. The units can be easily moved to service those companies with multiple locations. Black & Veatch developed RaMHS at the beginning of the pandemic; the KC Chamber did a story about it then which you can read here.

For more information, call (919) 462-7351 or email

There are, no doubt, others in our community addressing the changes of COVID-19 vaccine mandates. We want to learn about them. If your company has developed similar solutions, please let us know here.

In the meantime, stay safe.


Who are the small businesses that make your life better? Know a plumber who always comes through? A coffee shop that keeps you going? A dentist that keeps your smile bright? Tell us about them! Starting today you can submit your Small Businesses Superstars right here. We’ll recognize all of the Superstars submitted – member or not – and provide each small business with a digital marketing kit so they can share that you think they are a Small Business Superstar! Each Superstar will then have the opportunity to connect with other small business owners for tips, tools, and best practices. Submissions close February 7. Submit as many as you want!


As Delta cases rise and Omicron quickly spreads through our community, COVID cases are affecting access to healthcare for everyone. And seasonal illnesses like the flu and other respiratory diseases mean another challenge. But you can help stop it. On Wednesday, January 5 at 8 a.m., the University of Kansas Health System will host the first Kansas statewide community news conference. Chief medical officers from across the state of Kansas will come together for the first time to answer your questions. Learn the steps you can take to help yourself, your neighbors, and the healthcare system. You can watch the news conference live on Wednesday on the University of Kansas Health System Facebook page or their YouTube channel.


Join us for the first Neighborhood Networking of the year at McCownGordon Construction, Friday January 14, 8:30 to 10 a.m. Visit their downtown KC headquarters at 850 Main to learn more about this employee-owned construction company. With offices in Kansas City, Manhattan, Wichita, and Dallas-Fort Worth, McCownGordon is building the future. Doors open at 8:30. Chamber members can register now for free; it’s just $15 for non-members. See you there!


The KC Chamber is pleased to host an upcoming community blood drive to help the Community Blood Center, Wednesday, January 19, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the Chamber Board Room, located on the first floor of Union Station. Blood supplies are at less than a day, and with colder weather here and a rise in COVID-19 cases, the need is greater than ever. Your donation could save as many as three lives in KC. You can click here to book your appointment. That’s not all. All donors will receive a free Kansas City Chiefs t-shirt. Save a life today.