Workforce Opportunities for Returning Citizens (WORC)

In 2019, the KC Chamber launched the Workforce Opportunities for Returning Citizens (WORC) program. This initiative aims to connect the resources of the second chance ecosystem to businesses that can provide meaningful employment opportunities for returning citizens. The goal of the program is to reduce recidivism rates in the Kansas City region and create better public safety outcomes. WORC exists to educate and de-stigmatize hiring returning citizens, help businesses understand the resources available to them to help with second-chance hiring, and ultimately make fair chance employment a more commonplace approach to fulfilling talent needs.



Bring together stakeholders in the second chance ecosystem to streamline services and wrap around supports to enhance employment opportunities for returning citizens.


Provide information and resources to the business community around second chance hiring.


Develop partnerships with community partners to help fill voids in service and wrap around supports to help returning citizens become employment ready.


Support sound public policy at the local, state, and federal levels that help remove barriers to re-entry.

WORC Resources

41 News Report on WORC
What Businesses Can Do to Help Returning Citizens to Succeed

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