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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: September, 2022


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A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR World Trade Center – Kansas City wrapped an eventful September. WTC-KC is proud to host events that bring dignitaries and experts to Kansas City to share their perspectives and insights. On September 16, we welcomed Maor Elbaz Starinsky, Consul General of Israel in Miami, in partnership with the JCRB/AJC, for a business roundtable discussion. The Consul General shared insights on opportunities for businesses in Israel. Learn more here. Read Article
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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: August, 2022


World Trade Center · Newsletters

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR As summer comes to a close, we are gearing up for an eventful fall. We are excited to host the 6th Annual Go Global KC! This year, we will present a program on nearshoring, featuring speakers Elaine Dezenski, senior director and head of the Center on Economic and Financial Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and John Austin, Director, Michigan Economic Center and Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution & Chicago Council of Global Affairs. Read Article
Image for the Mexican Consulate of Kansas City



Member News · World Trade Center

The Consulate of Mexico in Kansas City welcomes its new Head Consul, Soileh Padilla Mayer, who began her duties as Consul of Mexico in Kansas City on August 17. She is thus integrated at the head of a team of committed and experienced officials, to promote the interests of Mexico and provide the best possible service to the community of nearly 750,000 Mexican men and women living in the states of Kansas, Missouri and western Oklahoma. Read Article
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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: July, 2022


World Trade Center · Newsletters

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR This month, WTC-KC has been busy connect with partners, both local and national. We are a Private Sector Liaison Officer (PSLO) for the World Bank and attended a conference we learned about the priories of the World bank, and the best ways to bring World Bank resources to our Kansas City businesses. As a Making Global Local partner, we attended a roundtable discussion to learn more about USTDA opportunities to get our local businesses involved internationally. Read Article
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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: June, 2022


World Trade Center · Newsletters

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR Happy Pride Month from WTC-KC! We support equitable economic access for the LGBT+ community and believe that trade is a crucial component of global equality. Check out several events surrounding pride and trade in our upcoming events section. This month at WTC-KC, we are reviewing applications for the Heartland Export Accelerator and are working on updating the region’s metro export plan. Please reach out with any trade needs. Read Article
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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: May, 2022


World Trade Center · Newsletters

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR May is World Trade Month! WTC-KC celebrated World Trade Day on May 11 in partnership with the Kansas City International Steering Committee. We heard keynote speaker Pat Klein, Director of Aviation, Kansas City Aviation Department, speak on the event’s theme, logistics and distribution. Pat was followed by a knowledgeable panel, moderated by Chris Gutierrez, KC Smartport. Kansas City sits comfortably as the 40th largest metropolitan export area in the country. Read Article
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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: April, 2022


World Trade Center · Newsletters

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR April was a full month at the WTC-KC! On April 7, we were honored to host the Ambassador from Paraguay, His Excellency Jose Antonio dos Santos and Counselor Sebastian Ortiz, head of the Trade and Economic Affairs’ Office in the Embassy of Paraguay to the United States for a business roundtable. Attendees learned about the leading industries in Paraguay as well as both Paraguay’s existing trade relationship with Paraguay and its goals for strengthening that relationship. Read Article
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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: March, 2022


World Trade Center · Newsletters

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR It seems that spring has finally arrived in Kansas City! And like the season, things at the WTC-KC are starting to heat up. On March 17, we were honored to host the Consul General of Brazil in Chicago, Mr. Benoni Belli, for a virtual business roundtable. Mr. Belli encouraged U.S. companies looking to do business in Brazil to entertain the ag-tech and biosciences and renewable energies markets, as they are emerging in the country. In answering questions, Mr. Read Article
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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: February, 2022


World Trade Center · Newsletters

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR Happy February! This month, at WTC-KC, we have been hard at work prepping for an exciting quarter, and year, ahead. The focus at the KC Chamber will be all about Small Business. This year, the KC Chamber recognized 2100 Small Business Superstars, who will be celebrated at Small Business Celebration this spring. The Celebration features the Weida Award, given to the International Small Business of the year. Read Article
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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: January, 2022


World Trade Center · Newsletters

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR Happy New Year from World Trade Center Kansas City! After a packed 2021, the WTC-KC is setting our goals and resolutions for 2022. What are your company’s New Year’s resolutions? Is this the year you take your company global? We are here to help! We have been hard at work planning events and creating resources to help your company reach its international goals in 2022. Keep an eye on this newsletter for resources and upcoming events to help you jump-start your international aspirations. Read Article