How can we learn from them? How are communities like Boston, Dallas, Nashville, or Denver working to keep their cities vibrant and growing?
Each year, the KC Chamber takes a delegation of more than a hundred business leaders, elected officials, and nonprofit officials to a city to study the best practices in crime prevention, economic growth, transportation, health care, and other challenges. It’s an opportunity to learn, to contrast those cities with our own, and to network with leaders from throughout the KC region.
The Chamber’s first Leadership Exchange was in 2003 when the KC Chamber escorted 55 regional leaders to Pittsburgh, PA for a look at downtown redevelopment, arts investment, philanthropy, and sports stadiums. In 2024, 175 went to Minneapolis/St. Paul.
Regional cooperation, public safety and justice, innovation in early education and childcare, retaining Fortune 500 companies, lessons from the Center for Economic Inclusion, sports stadium journey
Port San Antonio, Pre-K for SA, Ready to Work, UTSA Downtown Growth
Economic redevelopment, downtown revitalization, workforce development, reconnecting Detroit with interstate highways.
Workforce development, regional transit planning, partnering with state leaders, immigration reform, community visioning and leadership.
Business to education impact, regional collaboration, downtown vitality, and healthcare.
Regional collaboration, workforce development and business-education partnerships, transportation and innovating mobility, and scientific and cultural facilities.
Innovation ecosystems, K-12 and higher education reform measures, and collaboration between higher education and business, crime and
Sports Economy, entrepreneurism, transportation, airport development, riverfront development, philanthropy.
Millennials, bi-state regionalism, transit-oriented development, airport redevelopment, higher education impact.
Entrepreneurism, higher education-community collaboration, impact of tax structures, Millennials.
Race relations, entrepreneurism, economic development, urban redevelopment.
Leadership, entrepreneurism, transit planning, wellness, energy sustainability, higher education.
Regionalism, economic development, growth/impact of an urban university
Regionalism, biosciences, community branding, community leadership, higher education, water infrastructurew
K-12 community investment, healthcare, higher education, race relations, downtown performing arts center
Regionalism, transit, leadership, community branding, community consensus-building
Regionalism, transit, downtown redevelopment, performing arts facilities, K-12 innovations
Regionalism, climate protection strategies, community concensus-building, downtown development
Bi-state relations, economic development, race relations, healthcare innovations, creating a united arts fund
Downtown redevelopment, downtown stadiums, bio sciences, K-12 innovations
Downtown redevelopment, regional Asset tax, downtown stadiums, arts district, philanthropy
Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce
30 West Pershing Road, Suite 301
Kansas City, MO 64108-2423
Membership in the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce aligns your company with the region’s largest and most influential Chamber and immediately strengthens your ability to succeed.