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World Trade Center-Kansas City News: December, 2021


World Trade Center · Newsletters

A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR Happy December from World Trade Center-Kansas City! We are excited to reintroduce our monthly WTC newsletter. Here, you can read about small businesses looking internationally, trade news from D.C. and even hear from World Trade Centers across the globe. Read Article
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Your Chamber at Work - December 13, 2021



FROM THE KC CHAMBER'S PRESIDENT AND CEO Inflation should ease over the next few months, but workforce shortages continue. Those are two of the key findings from the KC Chamber’s economic forecast for 2022 – presented last week. Inflation is now at levels not seen since the 1980s, with energy prices leading the way. Hopefully, the recent decline in oil prices should help. Even under the most rapid growth assumptions, the forecast doesn’t foresee an extended period of core inflation much above three percent. Read Article
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Your Chamber at Work - November 29, 2021



FROM THE KC CHAMBER'S PRESIDENT AND CEO I recently had a Chamber Board member – the CEO of a nonprofit – ask if her Board members could attend one of our upcoming Diversity and Inclusion events. The answer was a resounding YES. Our D&I online series is virtual, it’s absolutely free and open to anyone interested. In fact, the series is in partnership with a number of local chambers also interested in and committed to diversity and inclusion. Read Article
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Your Chamber at Work - November 15, 2021



FROM THE KC CHAMBER'S PRESIDENT AND CEO The child’s small shoe, with a sock tucked into it, taken off as the little one prepared to take a “shower.” The child wasn’t heading for a shower, however. Instead, it was one of the gas chambers at the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. That little shoe and sock are part of the “Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away.” exhibit now showing at Union Station. Read Article
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Your Chamber at Work - November 8, 2021



FROM THE KC CHAMBER'S PRESIDENT AND CEO We’re in the thick of planning for the KC Chamber’s 134th Annual Dinner, set for November 23 and you’re invited! Though the in-person event is full, you can still join the festivities online. (Thanks to the pandemic, last year’s Annual Dinner was completely virtual; this year, again thanks to the pandemic, we’ve limited in-person attendance.) Read Article
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Your Chamber at Work - November 1, 2021



FROM THE KC CHAMBER'S PRESIDENT AND CEO It’s New Year’s Day here at the KC Chamber! No, we don’t have our calendar confused. November first marks the start of our new fiscal year as well as the day our newly-elected Officers and Board members begin their terms. Read Article