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Centurions NOW - April 20, 2020



CENTURIONS AND COVID-19 With Mayor Lucas', Governor Parson's, and Governor Kelly’s extension of the stay-at-home orders, future plans regarding large group gatherings remain uncertain; however, we intend to move forward with in-person programming as soon as we are responsibly able and will adjust in-person programming (i.e. capacity) based on recommendations from community leaders. In the meantime, we will continue to provide valuable content to the participants remotely. Read Article
Member News

ArtsKC, Charlotte Street, & Spencer Museum of Art announce $120k Rocket Relief fund for Kansas City area artists in need


COVID · Member News

KANSAS CITY, Mo, April 17, 2020: A new emergency relief fund is now available for artists who have been adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. In response to the severe impact on Kansas City’s local artist community, Charlotte Street Foundation, Spencer Museum of Art, ArtsKC - Regional Arts Council, with underwriting from the Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts and Theater League Kansas City, are partnering to provide $120,000 in emergency aid.  Read Article
Member News

The Builders’ Association Welcomes Katie Castro


Member News

Katie Castro has joined The Builders’ Association as Membership Services Director. She leads a team of membership managers at the Association’s service centers in the Greater Kansas City Area and in Central and Southern Missouri. The team works collaboratively to enhance the membership experience for the Association’s 750 member companies. Read Article
Member News

KU Edwards Campus offers online trainings and academic programs


Member News

During the COVID-19 pandemic, most professionals have had to turn their home into their home office. Working remotely during this unprecedented time often means having to focus efforts on what can reasonably be accomplished with more limited resources. However, the KU Edwards Campus believes that working from home doesn’t mean you should have to put your professional development or education on hold. Leadership development is as important as it’s ever been. Read Article