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GROW KC - June, 2019

Grow KC - June, 2019


KC Chamber · Newsletters

HERE'S THE JUNE ALL-DIGITAL EDITION OF GROW KC... The KC Chamber is pleased to present the June issue of GROW KC Business Digital Magazine. In this issue you'll find... Read Article
Centurions Logo Vertical

Centurions NOW - June 17, 2019


Centurions · Newsletters

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2019 It’s official. The Class of 2019 has graduated and will enter into Alumni status on July 1. This year’s class has so much to be proud of. Following in the footsteps of prior classes, this year’s participants continued to uphold the guiding principles of the program while excelling in service. Together, the Centurions classes of 2019 and Fall 2020 gave a total of 2,991 hours of community service during the past year and contributed to over 100 organizations over the last two years. Read Article
Monthly Brent and West Texas Intermediate Crude Prices

Business Intelligence Brief - June 14, 2019



Short Items of Interest – Economy | Deficit and Debt – Does Anybody Really Care Anymore? | Fed’s Next Move? | Politics, War and the Oil Business | Challenge to Dollar as World Currency | What Else Can You Get from Armada? | In Praise of Complaining | New Chart – Monthly Brent and West Texas Intermediate Crude Prices Read Article
KC Chamber diamond logo

Your Chamber at Work - June 10, 2019



FROM THE KC CHAMBER'S PRESIDENT AND CEO KC Soccer fans – we need your help! As you probably know, Kansas City is one of 17 cities in contention for the 2026 World Cup (which would mean about $620 million in economic activity for the metro). We need to show KC’s strong support for soccer, and that’s where you come in. Read Article
Centurions Logo

Centurions NOW - June 3, 2019



ANNUAL ALUMNI LUNCHEON Join the Centurions Alumni Association on Wednesday, June 19 at 11:30 a.m. for our annual luncheon and meeting. We are looking forward to kicking off the new membership year together while we learn from a local leader. Enjoy a fantastic lunch at Grand Street Café and of course great networking with alumni. The graduating class of 2019 is also encouraged to attend. Read Article
Combined Index Monthly Change (Seasonally Adjusted)

Business Intelligence Brief - May 31, 2019



Short Items of Interest – Economy | Could This be a Trend? | CMI Report (continued) | What Else Can You Get from Armada? | Decisions, Decisions | New Chart – CMI (Credit Managers’ Index) Read Article