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Access to Capital

Meet Keshia Villas | AltCap Your Biz Pitch Competition Submission Deadline | SEO, Algorithms and Analytics – Oh My! and more... Read Article
Member News

NAWBO KC Welcomes 2023-2024 Board of Directors


Member News

Kansas City, MO, October 11, 2023—The Kansas City chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners welcomes its new board of directors. The 2023-2024 board, led by Kelly Byrnes, Founder and CEO of Voyage Consulting Group, includes seven returning members and four new members. Due to the growth in programming for Kansas City area women business owners, it added an additional position for Programming this year. Read Article
Park University Logo

Former U.S. Ambassador Stuart Symington IV to Speak at Park University


Member News

Parkville, Mo.—October 11, 2023 — W. Stuart Symington IV, former U.S. ambassador to Nigeria (2016-19), Rwanda (2008-11) and Djibouti (2006-08), will participate in a conversation at Park University’s flagship Parkville (Mo.) Campus on Tuesday, Oct. 31, starting at 10 a.m. in McCoy Meetin’ House. Admission to the event is free and open to the public. Read Article
Foulston Siefkin Attorneys at Law logo

Foulston Siefkin LLP Adds Six Associates in Kansas and KC Metro Area


Member News

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. – Each of Foulston Siefkin LLP’s three offices in Kansas added attorneys as six new associates joined the firm, bringing the firm’s attorney roster to more than 90. Cameron Bernard is based in Overland Park, Andrew Wiederholt is based in Topeka, and Luke Kennedy, Lauren Page, Keiteyana Parks, and Jacob Schmidt work out of the firm’s Wichita office. Read Article
KC Chamber diamond logo

Your Chamber at Work - October 9, 2023



FROM THE KC CHAMBER'S PRESIDENT AND CEOI don’t usually use this space for a personal statement, but feel obligated/compelled to do so today. My abhorrence demands it. So here it is:I condemn the terrorist organization Hamas for their sudden and violent attack on Israel this past weekend. Read Article
The Kansas City Public Library logo

Kansas City Public Library RFP for Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections


Member News

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR BASIC MAINTENANCE OF INTERNAL CONNECTIONS (BMIC): The Kansas City Public Library (“Library”) invites qualified applicants to submit proposals for BMIC for the Library. Proposals may be submitted in hard print copy and/or email to be received no later than 11:00 a.m. (Local Time), Thursday, November 2, 2023.  All correspondence should be marked “BMIC”. Please note that if you are submitting your proposal by email the Library must receive the email no later than 11:00 a.m. Read Article